
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I are Study

IMG_0043 Sick and tired..

I apologies for my late posts as I was apparently busy with workloads of assignments and upcoming exams. Most probably I’ll return to my regular blogging after my mid-Semester exams are over, in the 11th of July maybe.

As you can see I’m quite a busy man. When I stepped into the city called Perth, I decided that I will change for the better. I will thrive in my studies like others. Compete for marks like the rest of us. Avoid temptation and distraction. Concentrate on only one thing, books and papers.










And as you all know, I failed..

IMG_00431 Pink Elephants are awesome creatures!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you want to be teacher or lecturer or resercher ? wht's point you sutdy calculus ? useless man, don't waste your youth for this losy course